A classic reinterpreted: mille-feuille with smoked salmon and cream cheese is easier to prepare than you think. Shine like a master chef with our simp […]
It doesn’t always have to be minced meat! Salmon pasta rolls in a saffron sauce make a welcome change.
Impress your dinner guests with this simple recipe. A tasty prelude to a wonderful meal in good company.
Treat your guests to a little italianità: bruschetta with smoked salmon loin and mango salad is a welcome addition at any brunch.
The all-rounder among light delicacies. This smoked salmon mousse can be served at brunch or as an aperitif or starter.
Light main course: soured milk balls with Coho wild salmon tartare, a party meal for epicures that’s easy on the stomach.
The highlight of any brunch.
Dumplings with smoked salmon loin make an ideal aperitif. Served with a tasty salad, they instantly become a balanced starter or a main course.
Salmon cappuccino in a glass – for an aperitif with a twist
The delicate amuse-bouche for true connoisseurs.
A rolled sponge starter with smoked salmon, horseradish and ricotta – light yet tasty!
It warms a gourmet’s heart when salmon is not served cold.
Wild salmon on a bed of tomato and puff pastry. A truly delightful starter.
Perhaps the tastiest starter stacks of all time.
Salmon on a nest of potato. A main course made in heaven.
Practically a classic already – timelessly tasty with a refreshingly sour twist.
A starter that you’ll love, even if you don’t like terrine!